Tugce Tamer
profile shape




Hi, I'm Tuğçe, an Interaction Design student based in Berlin. I'm passionate about creating meaningful, human-centered experiences by blending psychology and design to solve real-world problems.



Education Path

Interaction Design

CODE University

2024 - Present



2017 - 2023 (Incomplete)


Figma icon
Notion icon
Canva icon
Python (Basic) icon
Python (Basic)
Adobe After Effects (Basic) icon
Adobe After Effects (Basic)
Uizard icon


Language Connection






UI/UX Design iconUI/UX Design
Neuromarketing iconNeuromarketing
Minimalism iconMinimalism
Human-centered iconHuman-centered
Curious iconCurious
Psychology iconPsychology
Entrepreneurship iconEntrepreneurship


Trip Track Brand Book

sparklesparkleBrand Design
sparklesparkleSchool Project

A brand identity project for a route sharing platform designed to inspire movement, exploration, and connection.

Trip Track combines a cheerful mascot, vibrant visuals, and a community-driven spirit to encourage users to share their paths and stories.

Trip Track Brand Book 1
Trip Track Brand Book 2
Trip Track Brand Book 3
Trip Track Brand Book 4
Trip Track Brand Book 5
Trip Track Brand Book 6

Brand Creator

sparklesparkleGenerative AI
sparklesparkleCourse Project

An AI-powered web application that generates complete brand strategies and logos based on brief project descriptions.

Developed during the Generative AI for Developers course at Coyotiv School of Software Engineering.

Generated Logo ExampleBrand Creator Interface
Brand Touchpoints

Safe Bike App

sparklesparkleUI/UX Design
sparklesparkleSchool Project

Designed a mobile app using Uizard to enhance cycling safety in Berlin's Prenzlauer Berg district.

The app features real-time navigation, safety alerts, and access to local cycling resources to ensure a safer and more informed biking experience.

Safe Bike App WelcomeSafe Bike App Login
Safe Bike App Home
Safe Bike App NavigationSafe Bike App Features
Safe Bike App ReportSafe Bike App Feedback

Safe Bike Website

sparklesparkleUI/UX Design
sparklesparkleSchool Project

Developed as a web-based extension of the Safe Bike App, this website provides access to interactive map features, project artifacts, research insights, and community engagement through the Wall of Thoughts.

Designed to showcase the mission, vision, and outcomes of our semester project.

Safe Bike Website Wall of ThoughtsSafe Bike Website Map Interface
Safe Bike Website Research


sparklesparkleUI/UX Design
sparklesparkleSchool Project

Developed and designed a comprehensive AI-powered application using Uizard to simplify and optimize the process of opening and managing cafés, bars, or restaurants.

The app provides end-to-end solutions, including venue design, menu creation, market research, and business optimization.

Store AI Sign UpStore AI Welcome
Store AI Business StyleStore AI Location
Store AI Features
Store AI Menu

Capsule Sight

sparklesparkleDigital Content Creation
sparklesparklePersonal Project

A digital platform exploring smart glasses, augmented reality, virtual reality, mixed reality and the metaverse.

I created and managed over 350 social media posts, enhancing brand visibility and engagement across platforms.

Capsule Sight 1Capsule Sight 2Capsule Sight 3Capsule Sight 4Capsule Sight 5Capsule Sight 6Capsule Sight 7Capsule Sight 8Capsule Sight 9Capsule Sight 10Capsule Sight 11Capsule Sight 12